Total traffic management
Urban mobility is a high-responsibility area, and that's why Digicon works to provide a full-
service portfolio of innovative solutions, focused above all on the general welfare of the public. The software, systems and services developed and/or distributed by Digicon enable centralized total traffic management, optimizing vehicle traffic in urban environments.
Allows traffic controllers to be monitored and managed in real time.
• Generates reports of all systems operations.
• Allows times and plans to be changed remotely and in a centralized fashion.
• Web-based graphic interface software, featuring map view and expanded view of areas
and street crossings.
• Password-protected multi-user operation, with multiple levels of access.
• Full compatibility with FCA Modular, CD200 Plug in and CD300 Vanguard controllers.
Data management software
Fare Collection and Passenger Tracking System
Real-time adaptive traffic control system
Fast boarding